
Slide Show #1 (Outside Construction)

Found a design for the entrance i liked Finished  the floor inside Worked on some type of  gravel and marbel walkway Finished one of  the sides Started outlining the backside Finished putting glass on the backside Finished second floor Finished third floor Finished fourth floor Finished fifth floor Finished sixth floor Finished seventh floor Finished eighth floor Finished nineth floor Finished  10th floor Finished eleventh floor Made a quick elevator to the bottom of the building Added some  lighting to the top of the tower Added some lighting to  the platform dont know why pigs are there Added some  reception stuff  inside

Minecraft Week 2

Started working the front side of the building Finished the front side Finished the floor inside Tried to make an entrance of some sort didn't really work out

Minecraft Week 1

 Started outlining the Burj Al Arab  Finished outlining the Burj Al Arab   Started the top of the Burj Al Arab  Finished the top and started to work on the side of the Burj Al Arab  Finished ONE of the sides on the Burj Al Arab  took like 30 min

Child goes to school but fails miserably

This will be the 3rd day that i'm trying to complete this one level, and this is the farthest I've gotten which is like 15% up the mountain and then just flipping over. Hence why the title of this post is called "Child goes to school but fails miserably

Truck Bridge

This is the closest I could get in close to 35 min, I only got across the bridge once but touched the other side and fell down, every other attempt was just filled with the first main axle on the bridge just allowing the truck to somehow mysteriously fall through the bridge.

Land Slide

This is the Landslide level, but I can't find out a way to stop the rocks from falling, and my best attempt was saving half of the town.

Save The Earth

I saved the Earth by creating a ring inside the orbit and having that spinning around and destroying the moon every time