
Showing posts from February, 2020

Tutorial Lesson 3 Questions

1. The white light turns into a rainbow! wow! 2. yes, the light is white all the way through the prism, until the other side where it starts turning into the rainbow colours 3. The colours start changing from the regular way it is supposed to be. 4. I don't understand what it means by "Do all colours behave the same?" 5. The colours start to spread out more when you add more glass. 6. Depending on the shape of the glass, yes they can and no they cant. 7. The light starts to spread out 8. It will appear more spread out than before it hit the water 9. The light starts to get brighter. 10. Its the white laser beam which is turning into the rainbow 11. It's a lot less bright, like it dims it down

Tutorial Lesson 2 Questions

1. Some surfaces such as rubber are smooth but have some grip, which causes it to skid, like a shoe when it goes across the floor. When you have steel, its very smooth and anything will slide across it. 2. Well when the angle of the object is increased (going up) the object that is going to slide will not be able to slide the way you wanted it to, because of gravity which is pulling things down, and if u decrease it, it will go down way faster because there is nothing to interfere with gravity itself. 3. I dont understand what it means by "Is it the same for all planes?"

Tutorial Lesson One Questions

1. The items with the least amount of Density will float and vice versa. 2. Some of the objects have different Density, Material, etc. 3. Some float because they have less density than the water which causes it to float, and when objects have more density than the water they tend to sink because they weigh more than the water 4. The water starts to eat the objects and suck them in which adds to the volume of the water, which is what makes the water rise 5. Well the Iceberg should float, its just all condensed water which means that the water and the iceberg weighs the same, but some of the iceberg will be in the water to even out the weight imbalance. 6. The volume of the water will rise because more pieces in a spread area are adding to it 7.The volume would be the same because its all just water, so if the iceberg adds 50cm of volume, when it melts it will still add 50cm of volume to the water 8. The iceberg floats because its just water which means that it weighs the s...

Tutorial Lesson 3


Tutorial Lesson 2


Tutorial Lesson 1


Regular Tool


Sketch Tool


Algodoo Crash Course


Summary Questions

1:       I accomplished quite a bit this unit, I built the first robot with some difficulties but it was relatively easy. The most difficult part was finding each individual pieces, especially the smaller pieces when they were all in a small box with around 50 other small pieces. I really liked the idea of the infrared, even though most of the time it didn't work with the code. the Swift Playgrounds was fun, most of the time I didn't understand most of it, but i got someway through it. I also really enjoyed the Lego part of the unit and building that, it was kind of new to me since I haven't built Lego in so long probably 3 or more years. The motor leg was really cool, the app could tell how many degrees it would turn. 2: I learned how to code a bit using Swift Playgrounds which was pretty fun I would say. I also learned how hard it is to build robots just out of Lego, because of each individual piece has to be correct and in the perfect spot for it ...