Summary Questions

1:       I accomplished quite a bit this unit, I built the first robot with some difficulties but it was relatively easy. The most difficult part was finding each individual pieces, especially the smaller pieces when they were all in a small box with around 50 other small pieces. I really liked the idea of the infrared, even though most of the time it didn't work with the code. the Swift Playgrounds was fun, most of the time I didn't understand most of it, but i got someway through it. I also really enjoyed the Lego part of the unit and building that, it was kind of new to me since I haven't built Lego in so long probably 3 or more years. The motor leg was really cool, the app could tell how many degrees it would turn.

2: I learned how to code a bit using Swift Playgrounds which was pretty fun I would say.
I also learned how hard it is to build robots just out of Lego, because of each individual piece has to be correct and in the perfect spot for it all to work.

3:I enjoyed the actual building part of the Lego Mindstorms, probably because I like most people, like building Lego.

4: The biggest challenge is definitely coding, because the code didn't work most of the time; so I did what I could and moved onto the next challenge. Most of the time I was successful with the coding, but there was a couple times were it was impossible complete something due to the code not working.

5: Just coding really, it was a huge challenge to overcome because I've touched programming once before and that was for Game Maker Studios, which I just followed YouTube tutorials on how to use it

6: No, I would not do this unit again because, coding in not my strong suit nor do I want to pursue it. If anything I would enjoy doing Graphic Design/3D modelling, which is why i'm taking Media Arts.

7: No, I would not do more coding, unless we are talking about like actual line by line game programming, where we have to type it each letter at a time.

8: I believe it's either Java or C++ as the coding language

Code: IF

That would make it so that if u hit a wall or object turn 90 degrees.


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